1·Sunlight and surface water play no role. It's amazing!
2·This image shows both internal waves and surface waves on the Indian Ocean near the Andaman Islands.
3·TCN manages air, land, space and surface mission domains and can track both low - and high-velocity targets.
4·Binoculars, a telescope or even the naked eye will provide a view of the moon's craters and surface features.
5·Both the Korean war and Vietnam war were supported by the 7th Fleet's carrier battle groups and surface warships.
6·Cold plasmas are able to kill bacteria by damaging microbial DNA and surface structures without being harmful to human tissues.
7·By choosing the right combination of ink and surface it is possible to make efficient solar cells using very little material or energy.
8·Deforestation causes around fifth of greenhouse gas emissions every year, more than all the forms of air and surface transport combined.
9·To create an image of Manhattan four centuries ago, they took the island back to its ecological fundamentals, back to the bedrock and surface topology.
10·That means the drug-tainted wastewater can enter groundwater and surface water, which are collectively the major sources of drinking water for most people.